Our Story

The Project is a brain child of James and Allen Walugembe in memory of their daughter Jacqueline and in honor of their son Samuel. Jacqueline died of malaria while in high school in Uganda, and Samuel had brain injury result from malaria at age 9. Samuel is epileptic as a result, and the Walugembes started MCMC with the mission to prevent and treat malaria in the communities. James is a charter member of Kasangati Rotary Club, Uganda, and a current member of Eugene Metro Club. Building of the clinic started by the family in 2015. In 2016 Dr. Sparky and a few friends gave support and finished work in 2017. We got personnel and equipment and recently we acquired a license from Ugandan government to operate as a clinic.

The beginning stages of building the clinic.

The beginning stages of building the clinic.